Saturday, Feb 2025
5 films

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A roof overhead / Un acoperis deasupra capului (2006)

2006 / 104min / Romania End of summer. One hot afternoon, in a neuropsychiatry hospital's yard the...
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All Gods Children / Țoti copii domnului (2012)

2012 / 105min / Romania Pavalas is sitting on the grass in a park and writing in a notebook.…“One...
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Azucena (2004)

2004 / 105 min / Romania The movie is a beautiful love story between a young border patrol officer...
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Brâncuși from Eternity / Brâncuși din Eternitate (2014)

2014 / 110min / Romania 3 stories, 3 characters in 3 periods of time are building the plot of...
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Chernosaurus / Cernozaurii (2013)

2013/ 70 min / Romania Thousands of people from Chernovadia worked at the plant, just five miles...
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Eva (2010)

2010 / 140min / România Eva meets Tudor on the day of her 16th birthday. It is Tudor who is to...
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Highschool in less than 53 hrs / Liceenii în ...53 de ore și ceva (2011)

2011/105min /România Coming from a family experiencing major difficulties, his father died shortly...


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